Uncategorized, writing

Writing is hard…

Hey ya’ll! Another update as I promised! This one is a bit different than usual. I want to talk about some stuff that does and always will affect my writing as well as give you another look at the other character design I had finished!

Most people deal with writers block and thankfully I have yet to deal with that, I have to deal with the ADHD that has followed me into adulthood. Whenever I start writing it is amazing and feels so right, but it’s the getting started that is hard. I get easily distracted by a million other things. Not to mention just the sole fact that writing a whole book is DAUNTING AS HELL! It shouldn’t even be taking me that long because as I mentioned previously, this project was at one point in time, a comic book. So I have the whole story written out in script form all ready for me, shiny and finished. You’d think it would be a piece of cake. No. My brain can only focus on a million things at once and ever so rarely hype focuses on a single goal. Like right now I am writing this blog post when I literally have the book document open. If you have ADHD or know someone who does, you know just because it is within reach does not mean it is easy. I have only recently, within the last few months, had the revelation that my ADHD did not simply stop when I became an adult but rather followed me like a shadow. I completely forgot. Living my life without medication had been strange but it is what I wanted. And now that I realize so many of my problems stem from my uncontrolled ADHD, I have a start on trying to reel it in. No, I still do not want medication. I have learned to love myself and my brain for all that it is. I want to be able to live hand in hand with it, so I am doing my best to learn more about myself, my habits and how my brain works. If you have ADHD or any other non-neurotypical “disorder” I love you, and you aren’t alone. (P.S. I really don’t like the word disorder, my brain is in fact quite orderly most days to an alarming degree.) Anyway I will skip the rest because I could go on for hours about ADHD and how it works (specifically in women) but I need to get on with it. You’re here for my book!!!

Meet Ramon! This is the second and last character concept my uncle and I were able to put together. This character is the glue that hold’s our spitfire MC together. Her father figure if you will. I wanted him to be a burly Italian-esque man with a large gut but strong features. You think of him and you know you won’t fuck with him. However, if he likes you then he is the sweetest man on the earth.

I know last time I said that the book title was almost done. Well… It’s finally decided! However, I want to have my first chapter finished and a book cover done before I tell you! Please keep waiting in anticipation for the book! I have already chosen a few people close to me to peer review the first chapter and I am looking into having an editor as well. Just because you are a wanna be self-published author doesn’t mean you can’t do it properly! I love you all dearly an thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my posts and staying in anticipation for the drop. July 2023 baby! I hope you have enjoyed, and I hope you have smiled a lot today! xoxo

"Nobody can take away from you what you've put in your own mind."

app, game, Technology, Uncategorized

Dislyte: From a Non-Mobile Gamer’s Perspective.

The New Urban Mythological Mobile RPG by Lilith Games

I have personally never been one to use mobile games and when I have it has always been short lived and I end up deleting it. This game has been the one exception to the rule so far. I saw the Ad for this game on Instagram and was immediately drawn to the art style. I’ve been playing for a few weeks now and I believe I have a decent grasp of it all.

What first attracted me to this game was that each character in the game is inspired and designed after a mythical legend. Wether it be God, Goddess or monster these characters really bring these myths alive. Each character is called an Esper, someone who has been chosen by God or Goddess to embody their powers (Picture from Dislyte’s website under Wallpapers.)

Opening The App:

When you first open up Dislyte you’re welcomed by some awesome EDM, Jazz, Rock, and Pop esque beats. Seriously the soundtrack here is banger after banger. After viewing the seizure/light warnings you start in on the plot and gameplay tutorials. The first character you see is Brynn, who channels her Esper powers through Valykrie. The tutorials are very thorough and I wasn’t confused on much and if I was it was pretty easy to figure it out myself.


Dislyte is a semi turn based arena-style game. You have a team of up to five Espers at a time and you can switch them in and out (depending on how many you have) before each battle. Each Esper and enemy have an assigned element, which are better or worse against another element. I really loved these elements of the game because it forces you to think strategically which I haven’t had to do in any other games I have played for Mobile. Once you hit a certain level you are kind of at a stand still for the story mode. This is where the other applications in-game come in! As you level up you unlock SO many new parts to this game. In total from the three main pages, yes I said three, there are about 10 different things to unlock (not including the many many other things to unlock within them). Among them include Trials ,which are in my opinion extremely essential to leveling up, Echo is used for obtaining new Espers, Atlas is used to look at all the different Espers that are in the game and DJ Contest is used as a rhythm style mini game to obtain gold. There are many more within many more. There is so much content in this game I am constantly mind blown. The plot is well written, the characters actually have depth and back stories, the fighting style is perfect for anyone who loves strategy and the grind to level up. I haven’t even been able to unlock everything myself! I believe they have a PVP as well once you hit about level 18, I am currently level 16.


  • This game is a power sucker, it drains my phone so quickly.
  • Overheating my phone every time I play it, granted it never force closes and my phone has never told me it’s too hot. It’s just very hot every time I play for more than 15 min.
  • Currently taking up 1.97GB on my iPhone 11 Pro Max.
  • Leveling up is a serious grind, unless you’re willing to really put in the work and brain power it’s better to find another game.
From the Dislyte Website under Goodies-Wallpapers

Now I know I haven’t completed unlocking everything, but once I do I will make a follow up post to really get into the good bits. I had gotten so addicted so quickly I just had to share with you all! Overall I really love this game and I can’t wait to see what else they provide over time! They just dropped the game on January 10th of this year so we have plenty of time to see even more potential from them! Thanks for reading! Until next time. xoxo


My Morning Coffee Routine!

Most mornings I make my own coffee using an inverted AeroPress. This involves using whole beans ground specifically for the AeroPress. An AeroPress is a manual espresso maker, made by pressing the water through the grounds and creating your own at home, albeit a little less strong, espresso! (Not to forget the AeroPress specific filters!) I prefer this method over something like a french press because you can choose how any cups to make at a time, all based on measurements. The AeroPress has 4 labeled levels. one scoop to one level of water. I use one scoop and measure my water to the 2. What is good about the AeroPress as well is that you can choose hot or cold water. Personally even if I want cold coffee I will use hot water because it will extract the flavors better and it won’t taste as watered down whereas if you were to use room temp or cold water. Usually I will use soy milk in my coffee or if I need a stronger pick me up I will add water afterwards to make an Americano. The versatility is probably what attracts me to the AeroPress the most though. It is very lightweight, packable and the filters last for a very long time. I tend to travel a lot and taking an AeroPress anywhere is so easy compared to buying a low quality coffee at the airport or somewhere else. The downside though is the very obvious fact that you need your own bag of coffee grounds. Bringing that with you can be difficult and bags are more expensive than buying a cup, but in the long run it has personally saved me so much money. I take my AeroPress on road trips, friends houses, and even abroad because any coffee shop can grind your coffee to AeroPress. And the fact that you can try coffee from everywhere with it! I have gotten coffee from Puerto Rico, all over the United States and now even South Korea! If this doesn’t convince you to try AeroPress then maybe the price point will. Compared to something like a french press the AeroPress can be a bit more expensive, sitting at an average of $40. However in the long run like cleaning and breakage, the AeroPress is far easier to keep around. I have had mine for 2-3 years now and I don’t believe I will be returning to any other manual machine. Unless it’s a good pour over, I’m a sucker for those!